tommorow my sister Alana is haveing a sleep over at are house her name is... Hannah. we are haveing HomeMade Pizza for Dinner. For pooding we are having icecream with a cone. After that we will go to bed.
In the weekend my 4th tooth feel out. It didn't hurt at all.
I also went to a FARM! It took 2 hours to get there. When we got there I said hello to my friend Sam. Then we played Bionicals.
After that we went to see the baby cow's, I fed them some grass. Then I went on the front of the
tractor, it was really bumpy on the rock's. Then later that night I had some sprite & jumped on the trampline. Then we had a BONFIRE! my favourite firework was the speeding rocket one. After that we had some mashallow's , my mashmallow got on fire.
The next day we went to the beach. At the beach there was sinking sand I got stuck! After that we had a treasure hunt I found one chocolate. After that we hade lanch. Then I went home to see my dad.